Critical Whiteness in Conversation – Dialogue Series: Everyday Racism, Antidiscrimination, Allyship – Correspondences, Interactions, Fields of Tension.
The event series “Critical Whiteness in Conversation: Science Meets Art & Culture” has set itself the goal of
to address and problematize structures that enable and maintain white-dominated social spaces.
and maintain white-dominated social spaces.
The focus will be on the four spaces of theater, museum, independent cultural scene, and university, in order to
institutions negotiate these structures, create a critical consciousness and assume their responsibility.
and assume their responsibility. How does the marginalization of BIPoC manifest itself in the respective social spaces?
social spaces? What is being done to open up spaces, to make them more participatory and inclusive?
Thus, the series “Critical Whiteness in Conversation” attempts to stimulate exchange in and between four different
knowledge spaces. In this dialogue, both the employees and students of the University of
Hamburg as well as the broad city public are to be involved in this dialogue.
3. Everyday Racism, Antidiscrimination, Allyship: .
Correspondences, interactions, fields of tension.
Place: Gängeviertel, seminar room
Time: Thu, June 16, 2022, 18:00-20:00.
Panel: Prof. Dr. Alisha Heinemann (Uni Bremen),
PD Dr. Stefan Wellgraf (HU Berlin) & Dior Thiam
Moderation: Dr. Katrin Singer (UHH)