Archives and closed stack collections
1. Our closed stack collections include the gender-specific dissertations completed at universities in Hamburg (1980s to ca. 2012) along with the collection of grey literature (ca. 1945 to ca. 2012). Browse these collections in the campus catalog; they’re available for reference use at the library.
2. In keeping with the library’s main focus area, we’re currently (ca. 2020–2025) working to catalog the archive on women/gender and right-wing extremism from 1945 onwards in Germany and worldwide by both content and form. It’ll then be available for use by researchers from all across Germany. The collection is unique in its scope and content, and is unmatched by any other university in Germany.
3. For space reasons, the archive on women’s studies, women’s research, gender and queer studies at Hamburg’s universities, which was largely built up by Gisela Kamke and documents the developments in university policy in the period from 1984 to 2009, was transferred to Universität Hamburg’s University Archives located at Mittelweg 177 in 2015.
The finding aid created for this archive (Findbuch II Koordinationsstelle Frauenstudien/ Frauenforschung Hamburg. Historisches Archiv 1984–2009) was published as Volume 8 in our book series (July 2018, ISBN: 978-3-752896-63-3, 236 pages, €20).
4. The archive on population policies affecting female bodies was made publicly accessible in 2018 as part of the Central Library of Women’s Studies, Gender & Queer Studies in Hamburg. Focusing on the discourses of the 1980s, 1990s, and early 2000s, the archive comprises materials compiled by Professor Ingrid Schneider as part of her involvement in research, teaching, and the women’s movement on genetic and reproductive technologies. Professor Ingrid Schneider was actively involved in the international women’s network ‘Feminist International Network of Resistance to Reproductive Technologies and Genetic Engineering’ (FINRRAGE), the German network ‘Reprokult’ and the network against selection through prenatal diagnostics (Netzwerk gegen Selektion durch Pränataldiagnostik). From 2000 to 2002, Prof. Schneider was an expert member of the study commission on the ‘Law and Ethics of Modern Medicine’ of the German federal parliament. As a professor within the department of political science, she taught relevant courses in social management, health management, and history, ethics, theory and technology assessment within the Faculty of Medicine at Universität Hamburg.
The finding aid Findbuch I Bevölkerungspolitiken an weiblichen Körpern. Gentechnologie und Reproduktionsmedizin was published as Volume 7 of our book series (March 2018, ISBN: 978-3746093-86-4, 244 pages, €19).