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Jenseits der Geschlechtergrenzen: „Feminist International. Scale, concepts and constellation“ mit Veronica Gago

A new era of the feminist movement has already been established. We are living in it. Our thoughts are nourished by it. I choose the strike as a concept to think our transnational feminist practices because the organization of the international strikes of women, lesbians, trans persons, and travestis since 2017 has marked a turning point in the scale of the movement and, in the conceptualization and constellation of struggles that consider themselves feminists. It is the connection among multiplicity of struggles, geographic scale, and common grammar, I would like to propose, that has produced, with great political efficacy, concrete analyses and practices that oppose the extractivist modes of the current phase of patriarchal and colonial capitalism.

This presentation will be given in English.

Die Ringvorlesung findet online statt. Anmeldungen erfolgen über Email.

The lecture series takes place online. Registrations are made via Email.


Nov. 24 2021


19:15 - 20:45
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