Why is sex still such a mystery? Sexuality is part of our general life, but still we just do not talk about it – especially not in university, in workshops and with strangers. While sex education is popular on Netflix and in series like „1.20“ („4 feet high“, ARTE Mediathek), sex ed in school and university remains taboo. Do you want to find out about the wide variety of what sexuality really means? Do you want to talk about sexuality and get new vocabulary to do so? We will meet in a peer-to-peer context; accepting and careful, trying to create a safe space for all of us. We will meet once a week for four weeks, talking about the variety of sexual identities, of relationships and practices. We will talk about sex in work, difficulties in sex, violence; having a look in history and trying to be most as up to date as possible. Therefore, we will share studies and research, and we will create a lot of free space to share our ideas and thoughts and discuss all together what sexuality really is about.
A series of meetings to introduce sexology based on a multidisciplinary approach. Bringing up questions and discussions about a wide variety of sexology-related topics in a peer-to-peer course.
On language: The course will be predominantly in English. Please, do not worry about language barriers, we are both not English native speakers, but we will find bridges to communicate. We will meet four times from 27. April to 18. May, every Wednesday afternoon 5-8 pm on zoom.